Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My First blog... hmmm

Well its December 30 only 1 more day of 2008,
I normally like to look back at the year around this time to remember things like what I found exciting or cool or just what movies were my favorite...

ok so cool things:
lets see... Disneyland in September went there on a business training trip and stayed in the Disneyland hotel, got to go to disneyland and Californialand while I was there... Rode the pirates ride only 2 times due to it being close for maintenance all the time, shot a gun in the western area lol.. Did some character drawings in California land (boring theme park for me.. or maybe it was just so freaking hot I couldn't stand waiting in lines that day).

I was a Dark Jedi (sith) for halloween, looked pretty cool I think. But then hey what do I know... started out going to be a Ninja but my friend tom and his family went Star wars on me so to be part of the crowd I changed... hey the dark side had to have a representative!

Bought a gun and a Very COOL Sword!

ok that is all I can think of atm but there is always tomorrow.

Movies are one of my passions I like a good action adventure, Super hero, Sci fi movie any day of the week, and I like to see the CGI stuff the advancements have been amazing there.

So here is my top 10 movies of 2008
10: Wanted -yea I know really? well first I like the whole idea of assassins.. and the fact that using a fast pitch curve ball arm movement lets me curve the bullet in a complete circle?? come on now that is some amazing physics!

9: WALL-E -not bad animation, story is preachy ok maybe its not the best but it was cool to see how they did WALL-E

8: HellBoy II -now I am no fan of Hellboy but I think this was a really good movie. Nice effects, good story and great humor.

7: GET SMART -oh my gosh I laughed so hard when i saw this, the cones of silence, the Pocket knife, the beads it was a very very good laugh for me!

6: The Forbidden Kingdom -its Martial Arts with Jet Li and Jackie Chan with some good fight scenes as well as their teaching the kid martial arts!

5: Incredible Hulk -(take 2) OK this is the HULK I remember, I think it was well done, stayed true to the story and idea of the Hulk and yes Abomination was well done too... ENDING was wrong only because Tony Stark never wanted to join the avengers, he was the very last to join.

4: The Chronicles of Narnia -Prince Caspian, Really as a kid I enjoyed these books never read this one but I think it was a well done movie, entertaining, a bit scarey and well SWORDS!

3: KUNG FU PANDA -past is history, the future is a mystery, today is a gift that is why we call it the present? and kadoosh? what can I say fun fun movie

2: Iron Man -ROCK ON.. First perfect casting! second very well written, I know Downey Jr has had his past but he hit this role dead on..

1: The Dark Knight!!! ok this movie was the best ever for Batman and Heath did the Ultimate Joker I saw this 3 times within the first weekend and then once more in IMAX. FREAKING GREAT MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well lets see that is about it.. check back again soon for another installment of
As the Days go by


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ok....I'm finding that leaving a comment today is becoming far more complicated than it should be! It's only allowing me to post under Kennedei...but, it's not her, it Lor. Anyhoo....

    Now THIS was entertaining! Nice to see you writing about your world again. Now I just need to get my blog up and running =) Oh, and I'm glad to see that some of my favorite movies this year are on your list: Get Smart - hilarious (cried laughing), Iron Man - Downey is perfect, Kung Fu Panda and Wall-e - great fun!
